Monday, December 6, 2010

double f...

some say forgive n forget its totally too heaven
its not valid
no more
in dis real time

its shud be forgive n redha

i think to myself
what da mean by redha

“redha” means one wholeheartedly agree to the decision to what Allah has decided upon
yeahhh now im realize
how really we need the redha
wishes that we cn forgive on sumting
yet we still human being
full of sensation n emotional

Double F: Forgive n Forget

heyyy totally we knoe it rite
guilt hounts us all... some of it is deserved- we've messep up n we need to --
n do wut we can make amends
a lot of our guilty feelings, however, are self-imposed and unnecessary

we sometimes feel guilty for things that are beyond our control or not our fault
(hey ask urself perlukah suma niyhh)
we feel guilty because of expectations we have about what we ought to be doing
(some may forget dis one)
or not doing during a particular season of our lives
or we still feel guilty about things we’ve confessed
n for which we’ve already received forgiveness
(bajet easy to make it rite.... hurmm totally we need to try)

if we can learn how to release these false feelings of guilt, we can live more peaceful and productive lives................
(oyuhaiiii apakahhh)

Forgive and forget...
for the things ive done or someone else have done to me..
at times its the hardest thing to do..
but it should be done~
skian for double F (forgive n forget)
from double F (faeza faisya)

Dan balasan suatu kejahatan adalah kejahatan yang serupa,
maka barang siapa memaafkan dan berbuat baik
(berbuat baik pada org y jht bt padanya) maka pahalanya atas (tanggungan) Allah. Sesungguhnya Dia tidak menyukai orang-orang yang zalim
[Asy Syuura: 42]
Dan (bagi) orang-orang yang menjauhi dosa-dosa besar dan perbuatan- perbuatan keji, dan apabila mereka marah, mereka memberi maaf.
[Asy Syuura: 37]


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