Tuesday, September 28, 2010

pahit itu sangat pahit

td mamam cokelat
cokelat tu sgt manisss
tp bkn manis cokelat tu yg na di cheta
tp sy na kata
sy da buley rase..
walopun msih de rse pahit
tp sy rse manis tu
walopun sekejap
tp sy besyukur


mse mkn mee sumanya rse pahit
sedar2 bibir ni rse pijar jew..
upanya pedas mee tu
tp sy ta rse pun pds
pahit.. pahittt tu je sy rse

mse sy telan ubt 7 biji tablet
sumanya rse yg sme
mkn mee ngn ubt pun sme rse

sy mkn toblerone ptg td..
pun sme gak
npe pahittt

panahan demam kali ni sgt teruk
suma nye rse pahit
letak la makanan sesedap pun
suma akn pahit

hurmm sakit pggang bena.... rse cm da blari 30 km
walham 3 inci pun ta gerak dri katil
ta mo tepon ma ngn walid
t msti diowang ungkit sbb ta wat operation since last yer
ok fine
it was my fault.... totally kna tggung risiko sndiri

Monday, September 27, 2010

na menyesal pun ta de guna da

rse kesal n menyesal
spew suh ta dgr kata kan... tu lahh ikut lg palew sniri
skng ni bubur pun ta leh mkn
??? hurmmm
rse cam ape jew td
g jumpa doktor (MA) kt pusat kesihatan td
haishhh b4 g lg sy da leh jgka an resultnya
ye tonsil kamu bgkak teruk n stat irritation..
perghhh tepaku gilerr tyme dokto kata gitu

sejak pinda umah baru sy da stat batuk2 ayokkk klo jnis yg bkahak ok la kan
tak la sesakit yg ni ha.. perit der wa na cheta
rse cm tertelan pasir je ni ha
mkn pun mulai hilang deria rse..
my god.... pasni taram la apa jnis mkanan pun kan.. sah2 la i kata
how come pahit2 niyhhh .. haishhhhh redha je la kan

bese la kan.. bila da mulai batuk2.. bersin pun da klah mkcik2 yg de resdung
bdn pun da stat lembik je.. ta bmaya lgsung
klh org yg nazak... haha(overnya ak tmbh tokok cerita kan)

wat segan beta je na ckp kt doktor tu
bwu plan na sorok cheta nape sakit2 gini
kowt la kata terlebih dosage minum ais kew kan
ta leh na tipu mehhh... kad rekod kesihatan sy setebal alm kowt yg ada kt pst ksihatan tu
ni suma gara2 kna jgkitan paru2 mase awl sem lepas
mgkinn kes yg sme bakal berulang
haiyoooo jgn kata kna thn wad.. pastu amik drh... x-tray bagai
plak diriku serajin tu kan

skng sgt2 la padah kan... adoiiii sakit nya tyme batuk
tcabut urat tekak ni ha mnahan
ta leh ckp byk,, kang mula lah batuk sne sni
haiyoooo bykk bising...

adoiii suara pun da stat hilang kew
haishhh ta leh jd niyhh..asni sure men msg2 even dpn mata je pun orgnya
suhu bdn??? ermmm katanya normal ag... lum demam truk
bru 37.6 dgree
wahhh tu ta normal la oi.. adoooiiiiii kna ag sy ngn dokto tu
plak dye kta jgn degil2 mkn ubt
ye.. thu2

since kt ganu niyhh lum ad mall yg gmpak3..
mgkin cara terbaik tuk ubati sikap shopaholic ni adlah g soping2 kt mne2 spital ato pst ksihatan
ye la.. skalinya 7 jnis ubt serba satu
wahhh da klh dulang wat hantaran meminang kan
amikkk ko... bersusun2 ubat ni ha..
cm2 bntuk ad... na wane apa...

ni baru sikit nikmat ksihatan di amik
klo lebih2 lg agknya leh ke tahan
tah2 terpensann ats katil je kan...
ni mujur la ad test bersusun mnnti
klo ta 4 sure ku betapa ats tilam.. ta denya na pndg org lain ke hape..
hakikat tetap hakikat
sy jd bdk sakit smula
smpai osmate kata.... mgkin ta yh ckp ngn sy
sbb sy perlu simpan suara

hope sy cpt sembuh
leh la tepekik telolong cm biasa
saba ae cik pija
insyaAllah sihat la pasni
na ag sihat
g wat operation cpt2
jgn tgguh2 ag

Sunday, September 26, 2010

sehitam gagak or sehebat dia

Lately ni aku kekurangan idea untuk menulis. so banyak aku tulis pasal benda yang biasa2 jek...huhuhu...makin tepu da kot kepala ini...adeh...but this time aku nak cerita pasal gagak...

kenapa gagak? well, bagi aku gagak ni burung yang agak pelik...nak kata jinak, ada gak...nak kata bijak, mana datang cerita hikayat yang pasal gagak minum air dari pasu (ke apa ntah)... lepas tu omputih siap buat cerita superhero gagak...sampai pelakon dia mati betul2 la jugak...(kesian anak Bruce Lee tuh)...pastu ada gak geng samseng guna nama gagak...tu, Geng Gagak Hitam...ada ke gagak albino ek? huhuhu...lagi ganas dari Geng Bas Sekolah...

bukan apa, benda ni jadi kat area umah sedara aku. al-kisahnya, ada la seekor brother India ni terjumpa burung gagak yang da xbleh terbang kat atas jalan, so dengan x rasa serba salah, dia angkat la burung gagak ni letak kat area yang kereta x lalu sangat...esoknya, bila lalu kat tempat yang sama, mamat tu kena attack oleh gagak lain...maybe gagak tu pikir yang mamat india tu yang injured kan kawan diorg kut??

kenapa aku kata gagak ni jinak? sebab mak sedara aku selalu bagi makan kat burung-burung belakang umah aku. and gagak pun join sama..the best part is, x lama lepas tu, gagak tu bleh lepak kat pagar umah ma sdara. even org datang dekat pun dia buat bodoh jek mkin dye kata de ak amik kesahhh wah3...siap teleng2 kepala tengok org yang datang.

bosan plak menulis nih...huhuhu....

p/s : aku rasa Si Tanggang kena sumpah jadi gagak laa...pasal tu bunyik dia camtuh...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

ayokkk da abes mid sem break dahh???

Masa berlalu tak menunggu kita

erm sah2 la kan masa ta nunggu kita.. x kn la dye tggu lakk
haishhh adil la tu rasenya.. ye x??

ari ni a rse cam ade yg ta kne.. haishh bwu je jejak kaki ke ganu
stelah 2 mggu ak tggal kan ( amboii bajet 2 dekad)
mcm2 hal doe ak pikirkan
mcm biasa la kan sumanya tntg hak uruskan kewangan
mmg fail teruk la klo kt dunia ni ade exam cara uruskan kewaeangan

aksuka berbelanja ala-ala shopaholic

cuma belum buat confession saja lagi
ak selalu lupa kalau pinjam duit orang, so aku kena bayar cepat-cepat
n kalau orang pinjam duit aku, pun biasanya aku lupa
so berharap orang yang pinjam tu ingat sendiri
(cis dia sendiri tak ingat kalau pinjam duit, nak org pulak ingat)
tapi dah memang begitu
ni tuk sesape yg ak knl since tadika kowt
haishhh kisa lme gak ak sibuk2 an

mungkin kerana di minda aku, duit ini tiada mudah saja datang dan pergi

kalau perlu boleh cari
ada macam macam cara
siapa yang rajin, pasti kan ketemuinya
wahh ayt ak ke tuww??? hak2

ok fine la.. mgkin sbb ak diberi elaun oleh walid walhal ptptn ad jew
pastu klo ta ckup leh je epon walid kata ta ckup
ngekk igt ayh awk gabenor bank ker
ok rayalepas??
amik ko sbijik laptop ku tarah kan...

sekarang ni pun dah start rasa penat.

Dah start nak tumpukan pd esaimen yg terbengkali tu suma
sgala bndayg ta bepe na patut tu kna tolak tepi
klo t t stress
aku akan pegi makan, tidur, tgk muvi atau shopping.
terlepas sikit confession of a shopaholic.

kenapa aku suka tulis tajuk benda lain, lepas tu pergi merapu benda lain?

ni pun satu misteri yang belum terjawab lagi.

Anyway, aku nak tulis tadi macam mana cepatnya tahun 2010 berlalu.

tengok-tengok dah bulan 9 kowtt
bulan 11 agi sebulan.
hujung bulan 11 akan ada perubahan besar dalam hidup aku.
mungkin paling besar yang pernah aku lalui kot.
suspen sungguh je kann

seyes mmg masa ta tgu ak lorhh
bgun stp hari kul 5 or 6 huhu cam nipu lak
pejam celik pejam celik
snooze jam bebunyi lgu2 lady gaga
bingitt je pepagi
dh nak habis subuh. klo xgagahkan diri bangun, dah dosa besar.
Kalau lepas subuh sambung sikit lagi tidur, bukak mata sekali lagi, dah pukul 8.30
dah lambat pergi kelas kan
buat ke sekian kalinya.

da ar tak sempat nak exercise waktu ultimate.
dah semakin hyppo kowtt
phtu mula lah fedup dengan diri sendiri.
haih ape nak jadi.

pastu since balik kelas dah la lewat
ngn penatnya
mlm na stay uop smpai ke pg
ulang ag story yg sme
spe ta fedup
bila da fedup stress plak asew
bila stress mkn ag
da 3x hyppo

oii pe la yg ku merpu niyhh
sedo2 la sikit da masuk part 2 dlm sem niyhh
asew2 da byk ke yg da testudyy
cam tadew je tgk an
so lu fikir lah snirii

bila ak stat bceloteh

sometimes I wonder about all these feelings yang kita tak boleh nampak ni
How does it work actually?
Is there any explanation scientifically?
Hormon ke ape ke...
(Well actually persoalan macam ni la yang buatkan Darwin et al. came up with teori mengarut-mengarut yang cuba terangkan kejadian manusia melalui sains)
So I should not be thinking too much about it, I guess.

It's been a very busy week for me
Not because I was doing so many stuff
but because of the learning and experimenting process that I have been going through
Haven't been 100% successful although I have learned a lot from it
Gotta have some time off
Gonna be with the nature again
Thinking about life
and planning my future
Sure it'll be good once in a while

Today was not the best day of the year.
A few things happened - and I'm not happy about it.
Apart from that, there are still good things happened - which explains why it was not the worst day of the year as well.
Anyhow, we've just passed one half of the year. There is another half to go.
I can't wait for the end of the month to come.

Bukan sebab dah tak tahan.
Tapi sebab tggu elaun masuk bulan depan


walidd jgn lupe aw wet tuk angah.. hk2

ak masih bgini

setelah ak merngkap2 mnghadapi hidup

" ak masih lemah "

do u know something?
something that u will neva know..
for the rest of ur life?
i can stand now..
without u by my side, i think..
at least my tears are dried for u..
i think..
when the time i can stand alone..
when the time i though my heart is feeling less..
by the time i give up on it,
u come back..
saying hi but i dunno why?
dunt u know it?
dunt u know my weakness?
yes, u r my weakness,
by the time u come,
everything i stand for. all collapse..
do u notice it??or maybe u ignore it...
but why?
why r u doing this???
i cant say no to u..
i neva say no to u..
no matter how hurt my heart is..
i still can say NO to u..
i guess i am weak..
if u really care,..
if u really know me..
feel my feeling..
then, dunt said that words..
any words that remind me of us..
juz go..
n be happy with ur life
n neva come back here..
do it before i change my mind..
before it hurts me again..
juz go..
n let me here all alone..
n dunt worry...
im ok
just now

then u have go.. when i said so

never ask me again bout mylife
just astalabista


Awaken lyrics

We were given so many prizes
We changed the desert into oasis
We built buildings of different lengths and sizes
And we felt so very satisfied
We bought and bought
We couldn’t stop buying
We gave charity to the poor ’cause
We couldn’t stand their crying
We thought we paid our dues
But in fact
To ourselves we’re just lying
I’m walking with my head lowered in shame from my place
I’m walking with my head lowered from my race
Yes it’s easy to blame everything on the west
When in fact all focus should be on ourselves
We were told what to buy and we’d bought
We went to London, Paris and
We made show we were seen in the most exlusive shops
Yes we felt so very satisfied
We felt our money gave us infinite power
We forgot to teach our children about history and honor
We didn’t have any time to lose
When we were.. (were)
So busy feeling so satisfied
I’m walking with my head lowered in shame from my place
I’m walking with my head lowered from my race
Yes it’s easy to blame everything on the west
When in fact all focus should be on ourselves
We became the visuals without a soul
despite the heat
Our homes felt so empty and cold
To fill the emptiness
We bought and bought
Maybe all the fancy cars
And bling will make us feel satisfied
My dear brother and sister
It’s time to change inside
Open your eyes
Don’t throw away what’s right aside
Before the day comes
When there’s nowhere to run and hide
Now ask yourself ’cause Allah’s watching you
Is He satisfied?
Is Allah satisfied?
Is Allah satisfied?
Is Allah satisfied?
I’m walking with my head lowered in shame from my place
I’m walking with my head lowered from my race
Yes it’s easy to blame everything on the west
When in fact all focus should be on ourselves

Thursday, September 16, 2010

moh ler kiter balik campus

erm...i'm going back 2 cmpus today...
arrgghhh malasnya!hoho~
i dun't have much time 2 update my blog...
a lot thing to do lahh
raya lah mk bn tunang lah
but keep enjot it taw
duit raya pun masyuk
who said a little 21 age years old gals like me doesnt deserve to dpt wet raya
i hv proved it... no need to show my matric card or what
my frenz n realtive came 2 my house...
n we've 2 prepare everything...
nasi beriyani pun ada

opss...actually i wud can say eat n eat ja
2 days b4, we made bbq at pk andak home...
hoho~ so yummy...
n yesterday,sup...
~sup tulang gitu...weee~
n my mom cooked that soup...!!

but i've 2 left all those happy2 n enjoy2 time behind..
since i'm going back...
coz there's a lot of things i've 2 do...
d bz time is already waiting 4 me...hoho~
d assignments...presentations...test...adehhh...(opsss...xbek ngeluh...hoho~)
oh!i 4got bout my ceju island esaimen!!
adeh lg~
i've 2 stdy all the epics n mitos legend..stories... about the korean diver
rajin la plak ak...hoho~
...we'll go to korea... bernada sadis je kan...
credit to Dr Chong ,our bio developmental n anatomy n pysiology of animal lecturer...
we will do some research there...
actually 4 our assignments lor...huhu~

n d next task. english assignment
ok a little bit blur what i hv to do
since not really familiar with APA format n so on
elehh ckp je la mls na wat

hurm report plant??
sah3 la not fully done yet
dont ask me why ok??

keje2 lain haishhh ni yg ta bkenan
dont worry
i will finish it
with kuey raya n duit raya's already 10++
credit to my fwend
really2 beg u ols
to forces me done my work
to teach me how to wake early after sbuh
to ensure me study n study
really need u ols

well c u later on.. i will catch u later
(duit raya tuk sy msti ad yer)


hope lum terlewat

hurmmm agk berkurun rsenya ta update blog niyh
rse mcm da bersawang lak i tgk mehhh hishhh
penangan raya btul niyh
hope lum tlmbat na ucap

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

kepada semua warga Facebook

yang kenal atau tak kenal
yang baik atau tak baik
yang rapat atau tak rapat
yang lelaki atau perempuan
yang miskin atau kaya
yang online atau offline
yang sihat atau sakit
yang islam atau bukan islam
yang gembira atau sedih
yang tinggi atau pendek
yang kurus atau gemuk
yang papelah atau papelah

Saya juga menyusun sepuluh jari
ingin memohon ribuan ampun maaf
atas segala kesalahan, kesilapan
TERsana, TERsini, TERsitu
harap dimaafkan ya ?
kosong - kosong balik
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
kepada ANDA SEMUA! :)

*penat aku fikir nak type ni. hehe :)