Thursday, August 26, 2010

a confession

"it can be nearly impossible to stay open minded, calm and forgiving when faced with difficult and stressful situations, and taking out my frustration on others is a natural part of this cycle of negativity."

this is something i naturally believed most of my childhood.
and although now I don't agree with it at all, this is the kind of person i still can be when faced with a situation that angers me.

i admit it: i am a person, when faced with difficulty and stress, who lashes out on the ones closest to them.

you could call me an adolescent with a body chock-full of raging hormones, a jerk, or simply "normal" for acting this way.. but there are no valid excusesfor exercising angry feelings toward someone else who has done no wrong. even if they did do wrong, who am i, in my self-righteousness many call 'the Ego', to tell them off?

i just wanted to share that with you, and maybe it will inspire you to admit the way you have been for many years is wrong, and that every man, woman and child is truly, without-a-doubt, equal.

(i apologize for getting preachy on you.)

i need to learn what to do in difficult and stressful situations instead of lashing out. i need to rewire this hard-drive and change. i have been doing it, slowly but surely, and i will continue to do it until my way of thinking is beneficial to everyone around me.

thanks for listening,