Saturday, July 31, 2010

break my heart

If you break my heart... just let me cry until I feel better...don't talk to me.. in the mean time, think if what you did, if I truly deserved it.. don't ask me to understand your concepts, because i'll be busy with my pain and is not common to feel and think at the same time.. at least for me..

If you break my heart, and you still want me around, make sure if thats exactly what you want, because me and my soul, are in a process of changing due to an inevitable deterioration..

If you break my heart, and you still want me around..I might be needing some extra love, not to forgive, but to forget temporarily, my heart will need so much love... true love... I might be sad for days.. weeks who knows??

If you break my heart, I might need to hear if you are sorry or not, and if you are, if you truly are.. maybe more than once, until I see if your eyes shine when you see me...

If you break my heart, don't try to act like you are tired to deal with somebody who is uncapable to put things behind and just let go! my inner healing takes time.. don't you forget I am just a human being!

men from mars women from venus... MY PHAKEN AZZ!!

I might be acting weird, ocasional tears for no reason, feeling sleepy.. lack of smiles, acting boring.. starving myself and maybe thinking seriously on dieing.. so...

If you break my heart, you will have to deal it with God himself..


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